
Installing MinUI on a TrimUI Model S


This Reddit post giving the button combination This Reddit thread, in which /u/captainbrown comments saying what they did to get back to v1.0.6 This YouTube video demonstrating how to install drivers


My TrimUI Model Ss came with stock firmware v1.0.7, but MinUI is only able to be installed from v1.0.5. Here's what I did to get it working.

1. Download the v1.0.5 'Factory Recovery' (``) from TrimUI (very, very slow - mirrored below for convenience)

2. Extract the v1.0.5 zip

3. Remove the SD card from the Model S, connect it to the computer (I used a Windows computer for this) and hold L and R whilst turning it on (you should get a blank screen)

4. Open Device Manager - it should show an unknown device

5. Properties -> Update drivers -> From folder -> Choose the `Drivers/' folder inside the `PhoenixSuit` folder inside the v1.0.5 zip that you extracted

6. Turn off the Model S

7. Open PhoenixSuit, click 'Firmware' and locate the v1.0.5 `.img` file that you extracted

8. Hold L and R whilst turning on the Model S

9. Say 'Yes' to the message that pops up (agree to format the device) and wait for it to install

10. When done, the device should reboot and you'll get a white screen but be able to hear the stock menu music

11. Power off and disconnect the Model S

12. Grab the latest MinUI release zip (MinUI-20210806) from GitHub (link below)

13. Use guiformat (link below) to format the SD card for the Model S

14. Copy the contents of the MinUI zip into the SD card root

15. Insert the SD card into the Model S and power it on

16. You'll still have the white screen, but we can still install MinUI by pressing *left 3 times, A, down 4 times, A, A*

17. Wait for it to install; we can't see progress so I just set a timer for 10 minutes to be safe (has worked twice now so that seems to be enough)

18. Power off the Model S and remove the SD card

19. Download the v1.0.6 'Factory Recovery' (`Trimui_Factory_Recovery_model_S_dark_V0.106_en.7z`) from TrimUI (very, very slow - mirrored below for convenience)

20. Extract the v1.0.6 `.7z` file

21. Open PhoenixSuit, click 'Firmware' and locate the v1.0.6 `.img` file that you extracted

22. Connect the Model S to the computer and turn it on whilst holding L and R

23. Say 'No' to the message that pops up (*do not* agree to format the device) and wait for it to install

24. When it's done, the Model S should reboot and you'll see the stock UI and hear the music

25. Turn off the Model S and insert the SD card

26. Turn on the Model S and you should see MinUI


Firmware v1.0.5 (mirrored here as TrimUI's connection is so slow) Firmware v1.0.6 (mirrored here as TrimUI's connection is so slow) GitHub: MinUI legacy Model S version guiformat